piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,446

          1. …in reply to @TechNoahLogy
            @TechNoahLogy I vote for Option A structured as multiplatform feature teams. Option B may make some sense for now since Android/iOS have more in common as mobile platforms than Web does with either mobile platform. Option C is most problematic. (1/5)
        1. …in reply to @piannaf
          @TechNoahLogy From a product perspective: an individual user is rarely on both Android and iOS, but often on mobile and web; feature parity is better for giving most value to all users (especially since people may be on one platform because of socioeconomic or accessibility reasons) (2/5)
      1. …in reply to @piannaf
        @TechNoahLogy From a project perspective: it’s a lot easier to track the status of a feature across platforms when a single feature team is focused on it; it also becomes easier to prioritize and estimate fixes, enhancements, and platform-specific functionality (3/5)
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      @TechNoahLogy From a dev perspective: PWAs are converging web and mobile, Wasm is converging web and native, iOS and Android native libraries, architectures, even languages (Kotlin/Swift) have been converging too. Mobile devs will be more sought after than separate iOS and Android devs (4/5)
  1. …in reply to @piannaf
    @TechNoahLogy I didn’t get to cover all these things in my talk youtu.be/sA_JIqqj9js but I have been thinking about them a lot. My engineering manager colleague has been thinking about this stuff from his perspective too touchlab.co/accelerating-development-with-kotlin-multiplatform/. DMs open if you want to chat more. (5/5)