piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,678

    1. …in reply to @borland
      @borland @FEEDFACEh @an0 @stroughtonsmith Have you looked into Kotlin Multiplatform (Kotlin/Native)? The "main path" is so important. It's really great that Kotlin is the main path on Android and KMP outputs a standard iOS framework with ObjC headers so it's stays on the "main path" for iOS too.
  1. …in reply to @piannaf
    @borland @FEEDFACEh @an0 @stroughtonsmith To keep it even closer to the "main path" for iOS, @kpgalligan put in effort to improve Swift interop and Debugging Kotlin from Xcode medium.com/@kpgalligan/kotlin-native-interop-generics-15eda6f6050f github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-native/pull/2850 @kpgalligan/1121178778011676672