piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,682

      1. …in reply to @borland
        @borland @FEEDFACEh @an0 @stroughtonsmith That's definitely fair. I'd say that's where the main path is headed, though -- like the path for Android is Kotlin. There are still a lot of ObjC libraries (even official Apple ones) just as there are still a lot of Java libraries on Android (even official Google ones).
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      @borland @FEEDFACEh @an0 @stroughtonsmith Unlike Xamarin, KMP doesn't get in the way of the main path. For example, SwiftUI is announced (platform specific innovation) --> KMP works with it @joreilly/1137676330579968001?s=21 @RunChristinaRun/1138987880674521088
  1. …in reply to @piannaf
    @borland @FEEDFACEh @an0 @stroughtonsmith And with Swift ABI stability, the interop should improve substantially...but that gets into the technical details where @kpgalligan understands deeply and I just understand the general concepts