piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,740

  1. …in reply to @_michaelknoch
    @_michaelknoch @flowkey_com @IBM True, a lot of people like Swift (with good reason). Server-side Kotlin is also growing fast. It has an advantage over swift that it can both be compiled to a native library (which Swift does) or run on JVM (which Swift doesn't) so you get all the maturity from there for free.
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      @_michaelknoch @flowkey_com @IBM Server-side is interesting because there's also competition from Scala, Go, Rust, etc. On mobile, the competition is Swift, Kotlin, and 3rd party x-platform frameworks. Kotlin on iOS will always be ahead of Swift on Android unless e.g. IBM puts more effort into it (Apple won't).