piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,802

    1. …in reply to @taptodismiss
      @taptodismiss @kafie @soffes @lyft @Meetup This is fantastic! You say, "which is confusing to our end users" -- my team feels the same way but we are mobile designers and engineers so we are biased in our deep experience with both platforms. We only just started to gather data from users. What kind of data did you get?
  1. …in reply to @piannaf
    @taptodismiss @kafie @soffes @lyft @Meetup My team has been thinking about multiplatform design for a while. We only have one article on the subject medium.com/@touchlab/a-multiplatform-case-study-for-an-inclusive-virtual-try-on-experience-touchlab-425b52a3022b but we are diving deeper now and are planning many more. Thank you so much for sharing your article!