piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,922

  1. …in reply to @T0bey_
    @T0bey_ @aliumujib @biodunalfet Yeah, and that's a fairly good definition. Flutter is interesting because Google is putting a lot of devrel and marketing money into it. JetBrains has had focus on the tech and tooling more than the marketing but that hasn't stopped a large community to form in their slack group
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      @T0bey_ @aliumujib @biodunalfet KMP does tick all those boxes. I think for complex apps, especially ones needing native capabilities and higher performance, it is much better than Flutter. Square was an early adopter (just like Android itself), but more are writing about it recently, like VMWare and Quizlet.