piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 2,157

  1. I was researching low- and no-code solutions for mobile apps. Something that kept coming up was businesses want to build 100+ apps in a year and these tools help "citizen developers" anywhere in the company build what they need to keep costs low. But there are missing parts👇 @joreilly/1225072085451583489
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      Many moons ago, I worked on teams at two large enterprise s where we were building a tool to consolidate the mayhem that happens when too much development is decentralized and untracked: data in different places, many levels of (lack of) quality, incompatible processes, etc.
      1. …in reply to @piannaf
        See also > It’s possible to make a terrible app no matter what tools you use. Flutter and React Native may make it easier to make a decent app across platforms, but you need to go native to build an excellent app across platforms. dev.to/touchlab/don-t-sacrifice-user-experience-for-a-better-developer-experience-1lci