piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 2,224

            1. …in reply to @piannaf
              > Fewer lines of code makes the app lighter and faster, and a streamlined code base means engineers can innovate more quickly. Native devs moving to #kotlin and #swift love this. And folks using #kotlinmultiplatform to share code streamline their codebase even more
          1. …in reply to @piannaf
            > New features and innovations are constantly being added due to user demands and competitive pressures. 3rd parties need to find gaps to fill (really loving @tuistio improving Xcode experience) or invest heavily (Shopify and FB pushing RN forward).
        1. …in reply to @piannaf
          > UI frameworks can be powerful and increase developer productivity, they require constant upkeep and maintenance to keep up with the ever-changing mobile OS landscape See dev.to/touchlab/kotlin-multiplatform-can-t-do-it-all-which-is-exactly-why-you-should-try-it-1p85 Flutter and RN are improving but KMP will always be better at native code sharing
      1. …in reply to @piannaf
        > We also used quite a few of the OS libraries, including the JSON processing library, rather than building and storing our own libraries in the codebase. @TouchlabHQ spoke to a company that found #kotlinmultiplatform json serialization outperformed iOS native
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      > For any cross-platform logic, we used ... native C code, which is highly portable, efficient, and fast. Reminder that Dropbox dropping C++ doesn't mean everyone should drop it, or that code sharing is an issue. Also, would love to see more Kotlin/Native benchmarks
  1. …in reply to @piannaf
    > the database now holds instructions for how to display different building blocks depending on the various sub-features being loaded This reminds me of work being done to generate SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose code from definitions on the server.
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      > We decided to forgo that in favor of simply using SQLite and letting it handle concurrency, caching, and transactions. #sqldelight and #kotlinmultiplatform are a great combination for sharing sqlite business logic.
      1. …in reply to @piannaf
        > MSYS is a cross-platform library built in C that operates all the primitives we need. Consolidating the code all into one library makes managing everything much easier They decided to build, not buy. When you buy, you take on risks you can't control. Sometimes that's worth it.
        1. …in reply to @piannaf
          > Over time, our app had become a busy freeway, with cars backed up in both directions. This will always happen. > We hold engineers accountable for hitting their budgets as part of feature acceptance criteria I don't think this will fix it.
          1. …in reply to @piannaf
            > building an app that’s sustainable for the next decade or more More orgs should have this long view...and at that scale it's more about business goals and lowering risks, less about the technology itself (RN, Flutter, KMP, RoboVM, Flash, they are/were all great technologies)