Kicking off 🎉 @TouchlabHQ/1289229187438370822
The purpose of the first section of the kit is to introduce #iOS developers to navigate #KotlinMultiplatform. It's not an introduction to the #Kotlin language for a #Swift developer. There's a lot of that stuff out there already. #TouchlabShare
The tutorials start with github.com/touchlab/KaMPKit as a foundation. You'll be able to get #AndroidStudio and the emulator installed, and get something running in #Xcode and #AndroidStudio right away. #TouchlabShare
Part 2 of our kit gets into the structure of the project and and how to run the share #Kotlin library on #iOS without needing to know anything about #Android. If you want to learn more about #Android tooling and custom tooling from @TouchlabHQ, you'd find that too #TouchlabShare
We talk to clients about how to approach speaking to #iOS developers about #KotlinMutliplatform. Our Kit includes advice that we've learned from experience about getting #iOS involved in the discussion #TouchlabShare
Find people curious to get involved in the Pilot. Contributing to other codebases gives you superpowers. With regards to career advancement, being an #iOS-focused developer with knowledge of #Kotlin and #Android is becoming more and more valuable #TouchlabShare
There will be feedback and criticism. It's important to pair up with people who will be constructive about experimenting with new technology rather than those who may continue to move the goal post where the debate never ends #TouchlabShare
Our Kotlin Xcode plugin is focused on engineers used to #Xcode to get familiar with #Kotlin, debug and read it without needing to learn everything about #Kotlin, #AndroidStudio, and other #Android tooling. github.com/touchlab/xcode-kotlin #TouchlabShare
Ben was an #iOS-only developer before he joined @TouchlabHQ. He's going to tell us about his journey to becoming a Mobile Developer
> I have learned a lot about the Android environment > Career advantage to being an early adopter of new technology #KotlinMultiplatform #TouchlabShare
> I started #iOS with #ObjectiveC. After learning #Swift over the past couple years, #Kotlin was easy to get used to. In fact, easier to work with than when I looked back at ObjectiveC after so long #TouchlabShare
If there's already an #iOS app, and want to bring in #Android, could you get started with #KotlinMultiplatform? That would be interesting. Part of sharing code is not writing it more than once, another part is not needing to maintain separate codebases. #TouchlabShare
When porting to #Android from an existing #iOS app, you'll be writing #Kotlin anyway. So it makes a lot of sense to start writing the #Android code with shared code in mind. The benefit of #KotlinMultiplatform is you don't need to do it all at once #TouchlabShare
There is definitely a plan for direct #Swift interop, but we are not aware of a timeline. It's important to recognize that even though #Kotlin and #Swift are similar, they are not the same language. There will be a variety of solutions to improve the interop #TouchlabShare
Regarding news about upcoming changes to the memory/concurrency model, whatever will improve adoption will be a good thing. The old memory model will not be completely thrown away. #TouchlabShare
It's going to be a while before it changes and the changes shouldn't impact general app development in a significant way. We do not recommend waiting to adopt, you can definitely start adopting now and won't be wasting your efforts #TouchlabShare
That's the end. We'll be fielding questions in the "kampkit-support" channel in the official #Kotlin slack surveys.jetbrains.com/s3/kotlin-slack-sign-up Thanks for joining! #TouchlabShare