I wanted to find when this first appeared, and realized "Notes for Review" and "What's New" are different things. @vermicelli/1304577965020372994
On 2018-06-05, section 2.3.12 was added which allows generic descriptions for "Simple bug fixes, security updates, and performance improvements" in "What's New" web.archive.org/web/20180605143146/https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/ This language is still there
The other sentence, about "Notes for Review", was added in the 2020-09-11 update. So, it is new, but won't affect public release notes. @chrismaddern/1304513613290405888 developer.apple.com/news/?id=xqk627qu
Section 2.3.1 has been largely unchanged since it first appeared, which, fun fact, was with the release of the App Review Guidelines Comic Book in 2016-06-13 devimages-cdn.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/App-Review-Guidelines-The-Comic-Book.pdf
While doing this research, I also stumbled upon a cool site by folks @Shapedk appstorereviewguidelineshistory.com/ It doesn't show all updates, but it does show one for section 2.3.1 on 2017-09-15
I wish they did show everything, because then I wouldn't have needed to manually perform an approximate binary search algorithm on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this narrow journey through the history of Apple's App Store Review Guidelines 📚