piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,043

  1. Great post! Excerpts below @kstewart/1493690691469283328
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      "as engineering leaders, we should be focused on hiring qualified underrepresented people every chance we get"
      1. …in reply to @piannaf
        "the pipeline problem is actually a networking problem, reflecting a lack of connectivity between the overrepresented and the underrepresented"
        1. …in reply to @piannaf
          "Once you’re both invested in working together, the chances are much higher they’ll want to complete your technical exercise and do well on it"
          1. …in reply to @piannaf
            "unless someone can define what the bar is and demonstrate that it has been applied consistently for every other candidate (they probably can’t), this phrase is redundant and loaded with bias"
            1. …in reply to @piannaf
              "The cultural aspects you promote have a direct impact on whether or not people will feel included at your company"
              1. …in reply to @piannaf
                "When people feel accepted and don’t feel singled out as ‘the other’ or ‘the only’ they can put positive energy into collaborating and producing great work"