Will be interesting to see whether the "Faster app update release cycles" and "Feature consistency" can overcome "RN issues on Android" @discord/1554135644846395392
The nature of their app means lists of things are front-and-center so Shopify's improvements there should help them out @ShopifyEng/1546548683654565889
Shopify was already working with Discord in 2020 when they announced they'd become a cornerstone of the RN community shopify.engineering/react-native-future-mobile-shopify
Here are some of the "RN issues on Android" I was referring to @sandofsky/1554178071820771328
There are a lot of bad native apps out there, too. It's not necessarily a tech problem. There are great apps that utilize RN, Flutter, and Webviews. Focusing on the "cross" part of cross-platform and neglecting the "platform" part of it is a problem @0xTim/1554189463152201728
Don't sacrifice user experience for a better PM experience, either. Sharing code does not absolve you of the need to think about both iOS and Android users; or test for both iOS and Android use-cases; or consider platform hardware, API, and capabilities differences