piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,476

    1. Coincidentally, @mattbowen84 @ShopifyDevs wrote about not using React Native for widgets the day after "There’s currently no official support in the React Native community for RemoteViews, which is needed to support widgets. This felt very akin to a square peg in a round hole." @piannaf/1572625581556088832
  1. …in reply to @piannaf
    And "Our iOS app also ran into issues supporting React Native, and we were running down the same path. Shopify believes in using the right tool for the job, we believe that native development was the right call in this case." shopify.engineering/lessons-building-android-widgets
    1. …in reply to @piannaf
      The article doesn't say they are using #KotlinMultiplatform to share business logic between the companion app and the widgets.... but my point is, they could. Shopify is already using #KotlinMultiplatform alongside React Native elsewhere @colinta shopify.engineering/managing-native-code-react-native