piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive

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A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. Director of Eng (with web dev background): I've heard good things about React Native Native Mobile Devs:
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  4. Public announcements of using Kotlin Multiplatform in Production (comment for me to add more)🧵
  5. 1 year ago today, @inboxbygmail shut down. I still type inbox.google.com to get to my mail and I'm not going to stop until they shut that down, too. #BringBackInbox RT = You miss Inbox ❤️ = You still type https://t.co/aF5ZXNO3fB to get to your mail
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. write once, run anywhere @MorningBrew/1409924767147245572
  7. "Erlang was the control plane, while the real crunching code was implemented in/with C and FPGA" bionics.it/posts/flowbased-vs-erlang-message-passing
  8. #ReactNative contracting job open. Theme: personal safety. Connects iOS to a hardware device to help you get out of situations you don't want to be in. RTs very appreciated to reach folks outside my followers list which skews towards native android. hire.withgoogle.com/public/jobs/touchlab/view/P_AAAAAACAABMIXT4ehxwK9c
  9. As an Engineering Manager who manages both Android and iOS teams (or Mobile team, if combined), what is your background?
  10. Woohoo! Awesome #KotlinMultiplatform presentation from @YeaLikeFriend for @WWCodeMobile The stream was recorded, but if you can't wait here are my notes 🧵
  11. "the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata can form the foundational habits of a Lean learning organisation" hakanforss.wordpress.com/2016/06/20/kata-habits-for-lean-learning/
  12. "In any company, the CFO knows exactly how much financial debt there is. There are spreadsheets, quarterly reports, payment plans, .... But ask your CTO how much technical debt your organisation has, and you’ll get an awkward “uh… a lot?” as an answer." @mathiasverraes/1220046162616635394
  13. In 2016, the majority were hesitating to adopt Kotlin. In 2017, Google announced Kotlin as an official language for Android. In 2019, Google announced Kotlin as the preferred language. In 2020, you'll run and debug iOS apps built with KMP in Android Studio. Are you KMP ready? @piannaf/1204422105300897793
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. …in reply to @MrAhmadAwais
    @MrAhmadAwais Sometimes, too good to be true is true palmpedia.net/wiki/Hyphaene_compressa
  15. Don't be this person
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  16. "managers often start thinking it’s their job to make their team happy. Wrong! It’s your job to make your team effective. Constant picking up of small things does not make your team more effective – noticing the patterns and improving the processes, or the projects...does that." @catehstn/1518713426851377152
  17. Product: we need to add an extra field. Should be simple Design: if I design it this way, it should be delightful and simple Eng: The UI is easy enough to implement but where is the data coming from? Design: ? Product: ? Eng (2 days later): this isn't going to be simple
  18. Why you should update to use the new memory model
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  19. "We know that most of you have large existing codebases, so rather than rewriting your app, you can combine Compose with your existing UI design." ☝️ Important insight and underrated feature android-developers.googleblog.com/2020/08/announcing-jetpack-compose-alpha.html