piannaf’s avatarpiannaf’s Twitter Archive

Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. > The world does change in ways that turn optimizations into pessimizations publicobject.com/2022/11/13/optimization-is-specialization/ Valuable thoughts about software and society from @jessewilson@mastodon.social
  2. CW: Twitter Migration Yes, I do consider it an "improvement" to remove all app integrations from my Twitter account #twittermigration No, I cannot "fix it". That's a Twitter problem, not a me problem
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. shopify.engineering/reducing-bigquery-costs The superficial takeaway is 1. use clustering 2. Avoid the SELECT* statement 3. Partition your tables 4. Don’t run queries to explore or preview data The real takeaway, I think, is 1. experiment in the small 2. think carefully about requirements at (1/2)
  4. > in some companies it can take weeks, others months, for a developer at a specific job level to get up to speed -- abinoda.substack.com/p/onboarding My first programming job started just as the office shut down because everything flooded brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/queensland-floods-2011-photographer-michelle-smiths-unforgettable-photos-20160111-gm31qk.html All I could do was (1/2)
  5. Well, this is a new one In order to add a phone number for security code delivery, I need to enter my current Ally password (fair enough) However, this password field doesn't accept my current Ally password because it contains special characters 🤷
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. Works in Android VLC app, too @David3141593/1587978432989872131
  8. Can't wait to enhance my staff allocation sheet with this 🔥 workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2022/11/timeline-view-google-sheets.html
  9. "if you are writing any kind of documentation, before explaining how to fix the problem, teach the user how to diagnose it" matklad.github.io/2022/10/19/why-linux-troubleshooting-advice-sucks.html
  10. "Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Is in Beta – Start Using It Now!" No, not like that @malwrhunterteam/1581214412261982209
  11. "these more senior levels are not a measure of betterness, or quality, or raw intelligence and technical skills. They are instead a measure of demonstrated impact and confidence in the scope of work that the person can be tasked to accomplish" @skamille/1581375504686252034
  12. Knowing how things work gives you superpowers I do this sort of thing all the time on websites following hostile design principles @RobDonnelly47/1580987342931705856
  13. So much to excerpt. You should just read the whole thing kellanem.com/notes/how-to-plan
  14. I don't always code as a manager, but when I do, it's for "administrative purposes"
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  15. Ask not if the software is ready for production, ask if your production is ready for the software
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  16. This should be the default Opt in and make a better Twitter experience for everyone @Sommer/1574851316127567885
  17. Coincidentally, @mattbowen84 @ShopifyDevs wrote about not using React Native for widgets the day after "There’s currently no official support in the React Native community for RemoteViews, which is needed to support widgets. This felt very akin to a square peg in a round hole." @piannaf/1572625581556088832
  18. As I toggle this on, I wonder why "on" is not the default @AltTxtReminder/1573828426120671232
  19. ejrm upi dysty yu[omh niy upit jsmfd str om yjr etpmh [;svr
  20. "a competent engineer is a competent engineer no matter the technologies you’re leveraging. If you find the right opportunity, and you surround yourself with the right team of people, many things are possible." medium.com/@kris.wong/you-can-teach-an-old-dog-new-tricks-10f88fc12852
  21. "One of the things that helped me the most as an engineering leader was developing a better understanding of systems thinking." @KevinGoldsmith/1571203899645894656
  22. No matter what the platforms throw at you, #KotlinMultiplatform won't let you down @joreilly/1570463833096962051
  23. Finally have a Mac desktop Setting up mouse How rude!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  24. Performance of UI is part of UX Great presentation by @brianmichel @browsercompany youtube.com/watch?v=jofEa83F4zc
  25. "power = breadth × ease ÷ complexity ...Stated differently, simplicity (the reciprocal of complexity) also has a direct relationship to power. The thing is, these variables aren’t all independent: breadth might require complexity, for example." chelseatroy.com/2022/09/14/what-it-takes-to-make-a-language-object-oriented-or-at-least-object-literate/
  26. "rebase is ... a kind of merge that intentionally forgets some details.... Wouldn't it be better, less error-prone, and easier on users to enhance the history display mechanisms in Git so that rebasing for a clean, linear history became unnecessary?" fossil-scm.org/home/doc/trunk/www/rebaseharm.md
  27. To gain experience, time must pass. However, just because time passed, does not mean experience gained. @abinoda/1568236004745818117
  28. Why you should update to use the new memory model
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  29. How it started How it's going
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  30. In the venn diagram of my interests, this is pretty close to the middle "Tennis Courts in the Human Body: A Review of the Misleading Metaphor in Medical Literature" ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8863270/
  31. "As code reviewers and code authors, one cultural difference we naturally bump into is how we give and receive feedback." shopify.engineering/code-reviews-communication
  32. This will make Advent of Code in Google Sheets a bit easier this year @benlcollins/1562546876024778753
  33. > shift incentives across the board to support "making as much progress on repairing the boat while maintaining the minimally acceptable forward momentum" @johncutlefish/1560155581440110596
  34. Banks have the best security
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  35. Will be interesting to see whether the "Faster app update release cycles" and "Feature consistency" can overcome "RN issues on Android" @discord/1554135644846395392
  36. > The total cost of a software feature comprises more than just the time spent on writing the code. Thanks for the systems thinking reminder, @rweigelt weblogs.asp.net/rweigelt/thinking-about-the-costs-of-a-software-feature